EMDR Training

  • In-Person Training

    Winnipeg in-person training - Registration closed

    Onboarding: Zoom -September 6, 2024

    10:00am -12:30pm CST

    Part 1: In-person - September 13, 14, & 15

    8:30am-5:30pm* (lunch 12:00-1:00pm CST)

    Part 2: In-person - November 15, 16, & 17

    8:30am-5:30pm* (lunch 12:00-1:00pm CST)

  • Online Training

    Online training is offered 2-3x per year.

    Next training: Winter 2025

    Part 1: Zoom - January 17, 18 & 19, 2025

    Part 2: Zoom - February 28, March 1 & 2, 2025

    Group Consultations - 4 sessions of 2.5 hours each (options provided)

    Online learning classroom (pre-learning, course materials) and community discussion board provided

  • Custom In-Person Training

    Want your staff or group to be trained? Training can be online or in-person. Please email us. Kelly can create a training just for your group!

    In-person or online trainings can be conducted with groups of 12 or more people. If you are interested, let us know!

Learning Methods

You will learn through a variety of methods:

  • Pre-learning videos (e.g., History of EMDR, Window of Tolerance)

  • Live instruction which includes instruction, case examples, and videos (you need to attend each day of training at the time it occurs)

  • Practicum experiences where you rotate through the roles of therapist (to practice new skills), client (to understand how it feels to be a client), and observer (to learn through observing while following the protocol). Group discussion and assistance from an EMDRIA approved consultant during practicums.

  • Group consultation sessions facilitated by an EMDRIA approved consultant where you integrate and consolidate your learning through applying EMDR to therapy cases from your workplace setting.

  • Completing a learning assessment at the end of training (required by EMDR International Association)

Objectives of Training

During this training you will learn to safely and effectively “unstick” distressing memories and process present triggers to allow adaptive information processing to resume. Clients will no longer relive the images, sensory and somatic experiences, emotions, and negative self-beliefs associated with memories so that they are better able to function and cope in the present. The brain’s natural tendency to move toward healing gets disrupted when traumas or negative events are encountered (i.e., gets stuck in trauma time). EMDR Therapy provides structure to honour and release emotions so the brain can continue healing.

Objectives of Training:

  • Describe the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model

  • Identify and describe the 8 phases (treatment planning, stabilization, processing phases, closing sessions, re-evaluation)

  • List and describe the 3 prongs (past, present, future)

  • Explain the hypothesized mechanisms of action

  • Learn to adapt the 8 phases for clients with complex trauma presentations

  • Learn about and identify when to use advanced protocols (e.g., addictions, pain, anxiety, recent events)

Part 1 Objectives

    • Identify the EMDRIA definition of EMDR

    • List the 8 phases of EMDR Therapy

    • List the 3 prongs of EMDR Therapy

    • Explain how EMDR was discovered by Francine Shapiro

    • Recognize the transition of EMDR from technique to therapy

    • List the contributing therapeutic orientations for EMDR Therapy

    • Identify that there is a wealth of supporting research for EMDR Therapy

    • Describe EMDR as an evidence-based therapy

    • Describe at least two mechanisms of EMDR Therapy

    • Recognize at least one neurophysiological aspect

    • ​​Summarize at least two Phase 1 components

    • Create an EMDR target treatment plan for reprocessing

    • Describe and demonstrate the Floatback technique

    • List at least two Phase 2 components

    • Describe two client self-use coping strategy techniques / protocols

    • Assess client readiness for EMDR reprocessing

    • Explain the purpose of Phase 3

    • Identify 3 key components of Phase 3

    • Describe and demonstrate Phase 3 protocol

    • Explain Phase 4’s purpose

    • Describe and demonstrate Phase 4 protocol to desensitize a memory

    • Demonstrate BLS for reprocessing

    • Describe 2 strategies for abreactions or blocked processing

    • Recognize how to handle abreactions: List 2 strategies

    • Describe 2 TICES process interweaves

    • Explain Phase 5’s purpose

    • Identify qualities of a PC

    • Identify the rating scale used in Phase 5

    • Explain Phase 6

    • Recognize the importance of the body and that trauma is stored in the body

    • Identify the rating scale used in Phase 5

    • Identify the speed of BLS in Phase 6

    • Explain Phase 7

    • Identify two Phase 7 activities

    • Describe how to close a session to promote emotional equilibrium

    • List the 3 prongs in the 3-pronged protocol

    • Identify the target of reprocessing in the 2nd prong (Present)

    • Describe when to use the Future Template

    • List the components of the Future Template protocol

Part 2 Objectives

    • Explain what a memory network is from the AIP perspective

    • Explain the concept of pathology from the AIP perspective

    • Identify which of the 8 phases are reprocessing phases

    • Summarize the target sequence for reprocessing (order of targets to process)

    • Identify two types of interweave

    • List two cognitive interweave plateaus

    • List three options that can be used for a cognitive interweave

    • Apply knowledge of cognitive interweaves to case vignettes to formulate an interweave for each plateau

    • Differentiate between EMD and EMDr

    • Outline the approximate length of BLS set for EMD, EMDr, and EMDR

    • Demonstrate application of the processing protocol in practicum (at minimum Assessment and Desensitization phases)

    • Demonstrate going Back to Target in Desensitization phase during practicum

    • Describe what complex trauma is

    • List at least two symptoms of complex trauma

    • Describe what dissociation is

    • Identify the two action systems in structural dissociation theory

    • List at least two signs of dissociation

    • Identify two modifications to history taking that can be made in Phase 1 for complex trauma

    • Identify at least two types of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

    • Describe the window of tolerance

    • Recognize when to adapt the calm place technique

    • Identify a somatic strategy to use with a client who is dissociating in session

    • Identify at least one type of resource that could be developed during the resource development and installation (RDI) protocol

    • Identify at least two ways in which EMDR therapy works well across cultures

    • Identify a question you can ask in Phase 1 to explore a client’s social and cultural experiences

    • Identify ways to include parents when working with children

    • Describe two methods for measuring SUDs with children other than using a numbered scale of 0-10

    • Utilize procedures for special populations (military or sexual abuse survivors)

    • Utilize procedures for special situations, including Single traumatic events, EMD, EMDR, Anxiety protocol

    • Provide at least two differences between EMD and EMDr

    • Demonstrate EMDR skills for reprocessing a present trigger through practicum

    • Utilize procedures for special situations: phobias, complicated grief, and pain

    • Identify when to use a recent protocol following a traumatic incident

    • Differentiate the phases utilized for processing an aspect (Recent Event Protocol) or point of disturbance (R-TEP), rather than for a whole event

    • Identify which protocol is appropriate for prolonged, continuous adverse experiences

    • Determine possible targets for a specific or process phobia

    • Identify two typical negative cognitions for phobias

    • Identify situations when processing is appropriate for grief

    • List two risk factors for complicated grief

    • List at least two protocols to use with clients who struggle with addictions

    • Apply, demonstrate, and practice how to apply the Future Template protocol

    • Demonstrate the procedural steps of the Resource Development and Installation (RDI) protocol

Discipline Objectives

    • Provide a working definition of trauma from a psychological perspective and explain how it relates to the adaptive information processing (AIP) model.

    • Utilize all 8 phases of EMDR Therapy concerning general, well-established principles for trauma-informed care.

    • Discuss, in general, what it means to be an ethical EMDR Therapist as it relates to psychology, psychotherapy, and counselling standards.

    • Explain the best practices for conducting EMDR therapy with the following groups of people/clinical situations: Adults, Children, addictions, survivors of sexual abuse, military, and complex PTSD .

    • Provide a working definition of trauma from a social work perspective.

    • Utilize all 8 phases of EMDR Therapy concerning general, well-established principles for trauma-informed care.

    • Discuss, in general, what it means to be an ethical EMDR Therapist ensuring safe and ethical practice as it relates to social work standards.

    • Explain the best practices for conducting EMDR therapy with the following groups of people/clinical situations: Adults, Children, addictions, survivors of sexual abuse, military, and complex PTSD.


  • Registration is completed after the eligibility criteria have been met (EMDR Training Registration intake form completed and support documentation provided - copy of license, copy of degree)

    $200 deposit is required at the time of registration being accepted

    Early bird rate: Payment must be completed in full by the Early Bird deadline

    Regular rate (after the early bird date): Payment in full at time of registration

  • Refunds on purchased trainings are available until 30 days before the first day of training. There are no refunds after this date.

    $200 of the total tuition is non-refundable if a learner requests to cancel their enrolment.

    No refund will be issued once the training begins.

  • If you wish to transfer to a different group, you may do so without a fee of up to 30 days before the first day of your purchased training.

    If it is less than 30 days before your purchased training begins, transfer to a different training will be possible under certain conditions only and will be subject to a $500 transfer fee as well as documentation to justify a transfer (ex: sickness, death of an immediate family member). Transfer to a different training will only be allowed once.

    Refunds are not provided on transferred trainings. Transfer to a different training date, needs to be within 1 year of the original registration date.

  • Refunds and Basic EMDR training certificates are not available to participants who miss portions of training (i.e. missing a portion of a day or whole training days).

  • Any declined payments must be settled within 3 business days. To receive a certificate of completion, payment must be completed in full.

  • This training may be canceled or postponed due to under-enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances arise, such as presenter illness, technical issues, or a natural disaster (a flood, earthquake, tsunami, wildfire, or other major incidents). Participants will be refunded 100%.

    Elevate EMDR Academy reserves the right to cancel the EMDR basic training at any time. Should this happen, learners will receive a full refund or a credit/transfer to a later course will be offered.

  • Grievances are only accepted in writing and will be handled within ten business days. Please email your grievance to info@elevateemdr.ca.

    If you require specific accommodation, please make your request in writing 30 days before day 1 of Part 1.

    Email your request to info@elevateemdr.ca. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification.

  • Conflict of interest for this program: There is no known conflict of interest for this program. Elevate EMDR Academy has not received any financial support for this program or its contents and will not receive any financial support before or during this program. Elevate EMDR Academy will disclose any potential conflicts at the beginning of the training.