Objectives of EMDR Basic Training
Part 1 Objectives
List the 8-phases of EMDR Therapy
List the 3 prongs of EMDR Therapy
Explain how EMDR was discovered by Francine Shapiro
Describe EMDR as an evidence-based therapy
Describe at least 2 mechanisms of action theorized to explain how EMDR Therapy works
Describe two client self-use coping strategy techniques or protocols (i.e., stabilization techniques)
Explain the purpose of phase 3
Identify 3 key components of phase 3
Explain phase 4’s purpose
Describe and demonstrate phase 4 protocol to desensitize a memory
Identify qualities of a Positive Cognition (PC)
Identify at least three strategies to deal with hyper-arousal or hypo-arousal (over or under accessing traumatic material)
Describe how to close a session to promote emotional equilibrium
List the 3 prongs in the 3-pronged protocol
Identify the target of reprocessing in the 2nd prong (Present)
Explain when to use the Future Template in the order of target processing (past, present and future prongs)
Part 2 Objectives
Explain the concept of pathology from the AIP perspective
Identify which of the 8 phases are considered reprocessing phases
Identify two types of interweaves
List two cognitive interweave plateaus
Demonstrate application of the processing protocol in practicum (at minimum Assessment and Desensitization phases)
Describe what complex trauma is
List at least two signs of dissociation
Identify two modifications to history taking that can be made in phase 1 for complex trauma
Identify at least two types of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
Identify a question you can ask in phase 1 to explore a client’s social and cultural experiences
Describe 2 methods for measuring SUDs with children other than using a numbered scale of 0-10
Utilize procedures for special populations (military or sexual abuse survivors)
Utilize procedures for special situations, including Single traumatic events, EMD, EMDR, Anxiety protocol
Describe treatment planning considerations for special situations: phobias, complicated grief, and pain
Identify which protocol is appropriate for prolonged, continuous adverse experiences
Determine possible reprocessing targets for a specific or process phobias
List two risk factors for complicated grief
List at least two protocols to use with clients who struggle with addictions
Apply, demonstrate, and practice the Future Template protocol
Demonstrate the procedural steps of the Resource Development and Installation (RDI) protocol
Disipline Objectives
Provide a working definition of trauma from a psychological perspective and explain how it relates to the adaptive information processing (AIP) model.
Utilize all 8 phases of EMDR Therapy concerning general, well-established principles for trauma-informed care.
Discuss, in general, what it means to be an ethical EMDR Therapist as it relates to psychology, psychotherapy, and counselling standards.
Identify modifications or phase considerations for EMDR therapy with at least one of the following groups of people/clinical situations: Adults, Children, addictions, survivors of sexual abuse, military, and complex PTSD .
Provide a working definition of trauma from a social work perspective.
Utilize all 8 phases of EMDR Therapy concerning general, well-established principles for trauma-informed care.
Discuss, in general, what it means to be an ethical EMDR Therapist ensuring safe and ethical practice as it relates to social work standards.
Explain potential modifications or phase considerations for EMDR therapy with at least one of the following groups of people/clinical situations: Adults, Children, addictions, survivors of sexual abuse, military, and complex PTSD.